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The Awards

The Awards have been designed as a self-reporting questionnaire by using sustainability impact assessment (SIA) which is  surrounding the three sustainability pillars, namely environmental, social, and governance, which addresses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) specifically for the Sustainability Impact Awards for SDGs. While using as the UN-SDGs framework, it is a recently developed index for formulating integrated policies which take full account of most sustainability dimensions and have been fine-tuned and widely utilised by multiple transnational organisations. 


By joining the assessment (SIA), participants' responses will be carefully conferred by a panel of expertise around the globe. All participants will be conferred a certificate, while different types of awards will be merited. 


Awardees will be bestowed with the following list of deliverables:


  1. An award certificate with the Sustainability Impact Corporate Logo

  2. Issue and registration of new Sustainability Impact Corporate Logo, with company name included, as a new trademark for publicity usage

  3. Partnership with the UN-SDGs online platform registration service will be offered to corporates (e.g. SIIP-UN;

  4. Referral to ESG and/or Sustainability Report for United Nations 17 SDGs will be provided by professional consultancy 

  5. Referral to the Green Financiers in our business communities which provide financial instrument products, including Green Bond and Sustainability-linked Loan

Awards Category

Excellence Award for Corporate

Corporates that demonstrated intense and lasting commitment

in putting forward sustainable management, made significant effort in involving all three sustainable pillars (environmental, social and governance), and received highest praises from expert panels regarding their outstanding achievement. 

Performance Award for Corporate

Corporates with remarkable

effort in integrating sustainable management into business operation, showed great dedication in pursuing excellence practices regarding the three sustainable pillars and identified by judging panels as having great potential in bringing impactful positive social benefits.

Participation Pledge for Corporate

Corporates who are dedicated

to achieve sustainability and participated in SIAC; Who showcased great potential and effort in integrating sustainable management into business operation, with more room to grow.​

Registration Paths

Suite 01-08, 27th Floor, Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai District, Hong Kong

 (852) 9798 0896

All Achivement Award Awardees and Dr Roy LUO Xiang.jpg

Awards Ceremony

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Event Highlights

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