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Award Ceremony Promoted Corporate Sustainability in Great Success 


In honor of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations (UN), Social Impact Investment and Procurement Foundation, in collaboration with the S.T.A.R.S. Foundation and JCI Ocean, held the "Sustainability Impact Award for Corporate" (SIAC) awarding ceremony on 21st August, 2021 from 2 pm to 4 pm at the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre. 


SIAC is a community development project which aims to promote sustainability impact by recognizing the significant contribution made by corporations for their sustainability impact to local and global societies. The Award includes Excellence and Performance awards, revolving around the assessment of Environmental, Social and Governance criteria of corporations using and referring to the UN standards of the 17 SDGs and the SDG Impact Standards newly initiated by the United Nations Development Program. Aiming to encourage synchronization of community-led sustainable development strategies with other countries in achieving the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". 


The prizing ceremony was overall successful. Judging panel includes 22 noble prestigious expertises from Hong Kong, Mainland China, United States, Europe and South Africa. Prestigious guests including Dr. Roy Luo, Former Director of United Nations Office for Project Services-China, Mr Roy Lo, Managing Partner of Shinewing CPA and Mr. Matthew Friedman, founder and CEO of The Mekong Club, were invited to deliver a speech advocating the UNSDGs.  


There were around a hundred attendees joined the awarding ceremony physically and over 200,000 audiences participated in the live event to recognise the effort of corporations in achieving sustainability in business operations. 


Among the 81 awardees, there were 1 Fortune 500 corporation -- Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW), 9 listed co and 10 overseas operations originated from the United States, Japan, Canada and Africa. 8 companies were awarded with the “Sustainability Impact Award for Corporate | Excellence for SDGs” while 13 participants were merited with the “Sustainability Impact Award for Corporate | Performance for SDGs”. 


In light of the public and educational influence of SIAC, Youth Ambassadors from the “International Exchange Conference of Long March 2021” launched by JCI Ocean were also appointed to spread the rationale of the 17 UNSDGs. The commencement of the “SDGs Petition For Public” was announced with the aim to connect individuals and corporations regarding sustainability impact. In order to urge national governments and global corporations to implement UNSDGs in actions to define the societies and nature for our coming generations, no one should be left behind.

Prestigious Guest Dr. Roy LUO, Co-founder of Social Impact Investment & Procurement Foundation, delivered a speech advocating the UNSDGs in the Ceremony.

Opening Remarks - Social Impact Investment & Procurement Foundation


15/5 (HK) In few years ago, the Hong Kong authorities have taken the initiative to enhance social environment by introducing the concept of sustainability impact. Public awareness about local consumption and waste treatment practice has been raised. Therefore, JCI Ocean and STAR Foundation co-hosted an opening ceremony (Its theme was “Connecting Future Through Sustainability Impact”) at the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) on 15 May.

Dr. CHAN Pak Li, Bernard, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, The Government of Hong Kong SAR and Dr. Luo Xiang, Roy, the China Chief Representative for The United Nations Office for Project Services, joined the opening ceremony as the honorable guests, accompanied by Mr. Dominic Yin, the UNDP Consultant, Dr. Shirley Yeung, Associate Vice President of UNESCO-HK, and Ms. Linda Ho, Chief Executive Officer of Green Council as guest speakers to share their insights about local sustainable development and waste in Hong Kong.

The ceremony aimed at economic recovery and green financial development by making the sustainable impact on local environment and technology. Sustainability Impact Assessment is one of the highlights of the ceremony.

Dr. Bernard P.L. Chan, JP, stated, “Citizens should change their mind due to increasingly large consumption in Hong Kong. The government will cooperate with every organization to explore the needs of citizens in order to introduce sustainability concept into local policies, when it comes to environmental protection and education.” He pointed out that sharing economy becomes increasingly popular and can be a solution to waste. It is a great contribution to the sustainable development. Finally, he encouraged local enterprises to embrace the sustainability concept while the economy is rebuilding.

Dr. Luo Xiang, Roy, specified that sustainable development can create tides of positive changes to the whole wide world. High-tech products (such as new energy vehicles, energy efficient buildings, intelligent transport system etc.) are the backbone of sustainable development. This is an upward trend that not only do corporates benefit from it, but also the new generations.

While Mr. Ning Chong (chairman at S.T.A.R.S. Foundation) started his speech, he demonstrated that most of the corporate in Hong Kong have implemented sustainable goals with the concept of environmental protection, green finance, and big data analysis. Moreover, the other organizations also strive for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals so that they can develop a better community hand in hand.

Mr. Rex Choi, the President of JCI Ocean stated that JCI Ocean spare no effort to raise the awareness of local environmental issues. He desired to explore the room for the environmental protection & development through waste treatment and carbon neutrality.

Mr. Dominic Yin indicated that hydrogen economy and circular economy are the future direction of energy development. He had conducted a research which was about to change the hydrogen from gas state to solid state. This new form of energy is easy to store, transport and can be safe to the environments. Several experiments are implemented in Foshan and South China Sea. People have attempted to abstract hydrogen from garbage, in order to create a whole-new energy source.

Ms. Cherry Ng mentioned that L'Occitane strives to achieve sustainable development goals. Their customers are exposed to the concept of environmental protection through their retail experience. For example, they will get a rebate after purchasing green and environmental-friendly products. Moreover, L'Occitane has been cooperating with green organizations to promote green concept by having live streams and lectures. Stakeholders and consumer can get to know the importance of environmental protection.

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