SIAC 2024

Social Impact Investment Foundation (SIIF) Announces Recipients of 2024 Sustainability Impact
Achievement Awards
獎項分為「卓越優異獎」、「表現獎」和「參與獎」,評審團採用經合組織的可持續影響力標準為基準,對企業的環境、社會和治理方針進行評估,鼓勵社區主導的可持續發展戰略與其他國家同步,整合其政策和措施以達成「2030年可持續發展議程」。今屆國際評審團共二十二位知名人士,來自香港、中國大陸、美國、歐洲和南非。八十一間的競獎企業當中有九間上市公司,一間《財富》世界五百強企業——陶氏化學公司 (NYSE: DOW),十間海外企業,包括美國、日本、加拿大和非洲。
當日邀請了聯合國項目事務署首任中國首席代表 羅響博士為主禮嘉賓、信永中和的管理合夥人盧華基先生和 The Mekong Club 創始人Matthew Friedman 先生為演講嘉賓分享 UN-SDGs。此外,是日委任參與浩洋青年商會「港日文化交流活動」的學生作為「UN-SDGs大眾聯署」的學校大使,為推廣SDG教育出一分力。
In honor of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations (UN), Social Impact Investment and Procurement Foundation, in collaboration with the S.T.A.R.S. Foundation and JCI Ocean, held the "Sustainability Impact Corporate Award for UNSDGs 2021" (SICA) awarding ceremony on 21st August, 2021 from 2 pm to 4 pm at the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre.
SICA is a community development project which aims to promote sustainability impact by recognizing the significant contribution made by corporations for their sustainability impact to local and global societies. The Award includes Excellence and Performance awards, revolving around the assessment of Environmental, Social and Governance criteria of corporations using and referring to the UN standards of the 17 SDGs and the SDG Impact Standards newly initiated by the United Nations Development Program. Aiming to encourage synchronization of community-led sustainable development strategies with other countries in achieving the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".
The prizing ceremony was overall successful. Judging panel includes 22 noble prestigious expertise from Hong Kong, Mainland China, United States, Europe and South Africa. Prestigious Guests including Dr. Roy Luo, Former Director of United Nations Office for Project Services-China, Mr, Roy Lo, Managing Partner of Shinewing CPA and Mr. Matthew Friedman, founder and CEO of The Mekong Club, were invited to deliver a speech advocating the UNSDGs.
There were around a hundred attendees joined the awarding ceremony physically and over 200,000 audiences participated in the live event to recognise the effort of corporations in achieving sustainability in business operations.
Among the 81 awardees, there were 1 Fortune 500 corporation -- Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW), 9 listed co and 10 overseas operations originated from the United States, Japan, Canada and Africa. 8 companies were awarded with the “Sustainability Impact Corporate Award | Excellence for SDGs” while 13 participants were merited with the “Sustainability Impact Corporate Award | Performance for SDGs”.
In light of the public and educational influence of SICA, Youth Ambassadors from the “International Exchange Conference of Long March 2021” launched by JCI Ocean were also appointed to spread the rationale of the 17 UNSDGs. The commencement of the “SDGs Petition For Public” was announced with the aim to connect individuals and corporations regarding sustainability impact. In order to urge national governments and global corporations to implement UNSDGs in actions to define the societies and nature for our coming generations, no one should be left behind.
The ceremony also presented Excellence Awards and Performance Awards for Corporate entities, The Excellence and Performance Awards recipients have undergone a rigorous selection process, including completing a guided questionnaire based on the SDG Impact standards proposed by the UNDP, evaluated by trained assessors, and reviewed by an esteemed judging panel. The Excellence Awards were awarded to China Hongqiao Corporations Limited (HKEX.1378), Shaanxi Zhong Feng Power Energy Co. Ltd., Beijing United Information Technology Company Limited, Zhejiang Jiaren New Materials Co., Ltd., Ecostryke Hong Kong Corporate Limited, APAC Carbon Limited, and Prosperity Textiles. While the Performance Awards were awarded to ICO Group Limited (HKEX.1460), A-Links Services Limited, Novelte Robotics, Kiwi, KEPLER Global Adviser Limited, Equator Asset Protection Limited, WOW Impact Group, Chinese Youth Growth Foundation, Good Health Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten, Universa Sci & Tech Limited, and Sunshine Developer Company.
Towards the end of the ceremony, the Young Ambassador Awards were presented. The youth ambassadors have shown their devotion to achieving the sustainable development goals and recognize the importance of sustainability as well as represent the power of youth in shaping a sustainable future. Young Student Ambassadors have demonstrated their commitment by actively contributing to real-world projects, from learning to diligently working on initiatives such as the Sustainability Impact Awards, AI chatbot development, ESG reporting, and similar endeavors. Their contributions have been invaluable in advancing sustainable practices, and their dedication was deeply appreciated.
Mr. Jonathan Chong, Founding Director of Social Impact Investment Foundation, stated, "These awards not only recognize outstanding achievements but also serve to inspire and motivate others to join the global effort towards sustainability. By highlighting these success stories, we aim to promote the UN-SDGs and encourage more individuals and organizations to embark on their own sustainability journeys."
The Sustainability Impact Awards Ceremony plays a crucial role in:
1. Recognizing and celebrating sustainability leaders and innovators
2. Facilitating networking and knowledge sharing among sustainability professionals
3. Raising awareness about the UN-SDGs and their importance
4. Encouraging broader participation in sustainability initiatives
5. Showcasing real-world examples of positive social and environmental impact
The ceremony took place on August 23, 2024, from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM at the Theatre, Middle Zone, Jao Tsung-I Academy, 800 Castle Peak Road, Mei Foo, Kowloon.
For media inquiries or to arrange interviews with the awardees, please contact:
Joshua Chak
+852 9798 9655
About Social Impact Investment Foundation (SIIF):
The Social Impact Investment Foundation (SIIF) is committed to becoming an implementation, advisory, and technical partner for the United Nations, collaborating with various sectors to realize the UN Sustainable Development Goals.